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AutoMolec 3000 is an in vitro molecular detection instrument for sample extraction and amplification analysis which supports independent temperature control, independent testing, on-call test, and sample purification and amplification are integrated. The analyzer improves the way in molecular diagnostic and makes your molecular diagnostic more accurate, convenient and flexible.

  • Hospitals

  • Medical laboratories

  • Third-party testing laboratories

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other clinical institutions.


  • Fully automated molecular solution

    From sample processing to result interpretation.

    Integrated extraction and amplification in a machine.

    Reduce human error and free-up technicians for other tasks.

  • Random access

    Using small batch operation instead of traditional 96-well batch.

    Well temperature controlling modules.

    independent temperature control

  • Maximize the potential of real-time PCR testing

    RNA projects~100 min for the first results.

    DNA projects~70 min for the first results.

    Up to 200 results in an 8 hour shift.

    Saving TAT time.


    Independent dual air control

    Intelligent UV light

    Triple anti-droplet system in pipetting

    Sealing system in PCR

    Special designed to prevent cross-contamination dropping


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