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Mycoplasma TIES


Mycoplasma is one of the main pathogens which lead to NGU (nongonococcal urethritis), cervical, pelvic inflammatory disease, orchitis, epididymitis etc., and can cause infertility to men and women1. These pathogens can attack and destroy genitourinary epithelial cells, cause infection of the AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Clinical sexually transmitted diseases can be caused by Mycoplasma (mainly by UU and MH). Its occurrence has been presenting an up-trend. Antibiotic resistance is becoming more and more severe due to the misuse of antimicrobials, which seriously endanger mankind's health2.


*Some of the antimicrobial agents are coated according the CLSI,Document M43-A6, Methods for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing for Human Mycoplasmas.

Clinical Application

There is Studies shown that UU is associated with NGU, male sperm quality, female pelvic inflammatory, but UP is considered as normal flora in these patients.3 UP can cause choroiditis, fetal systemic inflammatory response, premature delivery and fetal lung infection.4

The key to the treatment and prevention of the spread of Mycoplasma is timely and accurate diagnosis. Mycoplasma cultivation is currently still being recognized as a reliable method to diagnose the Mycoplasma infection.5

Note: The species UP (Ureaplasma parvum) and UU (Ureaplasma urealyticum) are considered together as Ureaplasma spp.

Products Description

Mycoplasma TIES includes a selective medium and 20 test strips. The mixed medium is prepared by mixing the lyophilized powder and the diluent. After the sample with mixed medium has been cultured, urea within the culture broth can be decomposed by urease in Ureaplasma spp. and release NH3; arginine within the culture broth can be decomposed by arginase in MH and release NH3. NH3 increases the pH of the culture broth; the result is read according to the color change of the indicator. The species UP (Ureaplasma parvum) and UU (Ureaplasma urealyticum) are distinguished according to their different tolerance to manganese ions. The strip contains 12antimicrobialagents. If Mycoplasma is susceptible to antimicrobial agents, the activity of enzyme would be inhibited; hence there is no change in color.



2.Lyophilized Powder

Contains inhibition agent. The growth of interfering organisms could be inhibited while the growth of Mycoplasma could be promoted.

3.Mineral Oil


used to dissolve the lyophilized powder.


1. Núñez-Calonge R, Caballero P, Redondo C, et al. Ureaplasma urealyticum reduces motility and induces membrane alterations in human spermatozoa. Hum. Reprod. 1998;13(1O):2756-2761.

2. Rylander M, Hallander HO. In vitro comparison of the activity of doxycycline, tetracycline, erythromycin and a new macrolide, CP 62993, against Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum. Scand J Infect Dis Suppl. 1988;53:12-17.

3. Xiao L, Paralanov V, Glass J I , et al. Extensive Horizontal Gene Transfer in Ureaplasmas from Humans Questions the Utility of Serotyping for Diagnostic Purposes[J]. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2011, 49(8):2818-2826.

4. Cunningham S A , Mandrekar J N , Rosenblatt J E , et al. Rapid PCR Detection of Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, and Ureaplasma parvum[J].International journal of systematic bacteriology, 2013, 2013(5):168742.

5.Lefkowitz EJ, Kong FR, Ma ZF, et al. International committee on systematics of prokaryotes; subcommittee on the taxonomy of mollicutes: minutes of the meetings[J]. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2007, 57(1):181-186.

6. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute(CLSI). 2011 Methods For Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing For Human Mycoplasmas; ApprovedGuideline.CLSI Document M43-A.Vol. 31.

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